Android Mobile Phones (Other than Samsung).
Android Mobile Phones (Other than Samsung). “Basic” Course.
Two sessions – Monday February 12 & 19, 11:30am to 1:30pm
Tutors – Ann Murphy and Alan Spicer
Cost – $20 total for 2 sessions
This is a beginners course that will cover basic phone functions:
Setting up your phone, phone calling, texting, emails, photos, using Google Maps, calendar, Facebook, keeping you phone updated.
If we have enough time we will look at other functions that may interest you.
There will be no more than two students per tutor and course comprises two sessions.
Please note: Your phone must be a recently purchased Android “smart” phone (not a Samsung brand or ‘real cheapie’) It must be connected to a NZ mobile phone company.
If you have a Samsung phone please refer to the more comprehensive course that’s available for that specific brand.
Phone either Ann (09-425-5211) or Alan (09-422-2685) if you are interested. Numbers are very limited.