Our Learning Centre is at cnr Neville St and Mill Lane, Warkworth on the lower ground floor of the RSA. Our entry is from Mill Lane through the car park. The centre is fully equipped including 2 large TV screens and 8 PCs.

Our postal address is :
SeniorNet Warkworth Inc, PO Box 659, Warkworth, 0941 Auckland.

The office administration  email is:   snetww1997@gmail.com  ;  the telephone is 09 425 9643. Enquiries and course bookings should go to the Course Coordinator please see opposite —- 

Our bank account  number 12 3095 0160114 00

We are a registered charity number CC10912 under the Charities Act 2005.

To make an enquiry or to book a course ring the Course Coordinator on 09 425 9643 between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm Monday to Friday, or send an email to seniornetwarkworthcc@gmail.com by clicking here below —-