The first Special Interest Group to meet will be for members with a special interest in Media (Video, images, music, streaming and much much more). Tuesday 10 September 2019, 1 to 3 PM.

Click opposite for the media group reports :-

Tuesday 10th September 2019: Music

The Media Special Interest Group is the place where a bunch of like minded people get together to discuss interact and share information on all things media related. Smart TVs, Streaming Video, Podcasts, Video Editing,  e Books, Ripping CDs, YouTube, Streaming and playing music are just some of the subjects we will cover in this group.

Who should come?   People with any device, any operating system and any level of skill. No need to bring your device, no need to register, just turn up. $5.00 towards overheads – Bring a friend!

The first meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th September 1.00pm

The subject will be:



Bring your suggestions, your questions and your tips. You can just sit and listen or share experiences.
A great way to learn from each other in a social setting. 
A Convener will open discussions and conversations can branch off in any direction.