Photoshop Image Editing – Basic

Bring out the best in your digital images to enhance and repair your photos, add and remove people or objects from a picture and even learn how to turn black and white pictures into coloured pictures.

This course is held over a period of 4 weeks, one session per week, with each session lasting for 2 hours.
Course fee – $30.00

The next Photo Editing course will begin on Thursday 15 November at 2.30pm

  • In this course you will use Photoshop Elements 12 and learn how you can improve and enhance your photos. Bring out the detail in dark or light photos,
  • remove Red eye from people or Pets.
  • Add a missing person or remove unwanted items from a photo. Remove spots and blemishes from people’s faces. 
  • Repair tears and rips in old photos and
  • even bring old Black and white Photos to life by making them coloured.

All this and much more in this 4 week course.  2.30-4.30pm   $30

To register contact Brian Oakes on 09 4222248 or email: –

For more information or to book please fill the form in below.